Martin Luther King Jr Day: A Day Of Remembrance and Service

In the United States, the 3rd Monday of the month of January, marks the remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy of advocacy towards equality and his service to others. In 1994 the United States Congress passed a bill, known as “The King Holiday Service Act,” to dedicate the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday as a “National Day of Service.”

As I reflect on this day of remembrance and service, I am humbly reminded of all the patients, caregivers, medical providers, advocates and non-profit organizations who selflessly serve others, not just today, but every day of the year. Whether you are being of service and advocating for yourself, a loved one, and/or for a community, you are living the mission that Martin Luther King Jr. set out to do: To promote equality, inclusion and support for those who are marginalized. I am in awe of Patient Leaders and their selfless service. Whether you share your story and provide support to others on social media, host virtual or in person support groups, provide care to a loved one, provide medical care or therapeutic supports to patients, or engage in healthcare policy or legislative advocacy, everything you all do is a beacon of light in our world, shining down hope upon everyone you support.

As a leader in your respective communities, I know many of you have different awareness and advocacy initiatives you will be rolling out for the year of 2024! Please share below what acts of services you will be doing in 2024, along with a link where we can follow, and support your service to others!